Have I got a treat for you? My baking addiction has been in overdrive for the last 7 months. So much that instead of dreaming about real food which I still love I am now dreaming about sweet treats. I don't know whats wrong with me but something is definitely afoot.

Basic Ingredients
Peaches have been on my mind for awhile and after I made the Blueberry Galette I knew I had to make my version of a Peach Galette. In my head I wanted to call it a peach cobbler but it really wasn’t a cobbler. I once had a peach cobbler that literally blew my mind. The recipe was heavily guarded and the baker would not share it. Nothing is ever that great if you don’t share it.

Peach Galette
This peach galette has lived up to every fantasy that I have ever had about peaches. I had no clue if what I wanted to do would work, But after trying this recipe a couple of times I promise you will not be disappointed. I created a creme cheese mousse to bake the peaches in. The mousse is perfect. It provides protection for the peaches to bake in and some extra goodness for you to eat with the peach galette. Plenty of surprises in store…just read on

Unbaked Galette
I am not the greatest baker there is as I am really just learning this art. I have been taking things that my aunt does and putting my own spin to it with good review from friends and family. Truth be told, the things I am baking are easy; all I am doing is playing around with flavors. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t. But I am fearless in my pursuit of this passion.

Peach Galette
Back to this special treat that I have for you…I really want you to try it and tell me your thoughts. Its no fun if I am the only one who think that this peach galette is awesome.

Have a Slice!
This peach galette is also inexpensive to make but the finish product will hold your secret. All it takes is 16 oz tin of peach in syrup ($1.00 at my local dollar store), Pillsbury pie crust, 1 lemon, 1 box cream cheese, 1 pint heavy cream, 1/2 cup white sugar and 1 egg. That’s it!

Cream Cheese Mousse
- 1 32 oz cans peach in syrup
- 1 cup heavy cream
- 1 box cream cheese
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 egg
- zest of 1 lemon
- juice of ½ lemon
- 1 tsp vanilla
- pie crust
- Beat 1 egg with ½ cup sugar
- Add 8 oz cream cheese and continue whipping until smooth
- Add lemon zest and juice
- Add ½ cup of heavy whipping cream with 1 tsp vanilla
- Whip until fluffy approx 5 mins
- Roll out pie crust (follow packaging)
- Lightly dust with 1 tablespoon corn starch
- Sprinkle 1 tablespoon sugar on top of crust
- Add 1 cup of mixture to base of pie crust
- Arrange peaches on cream mixture
- Add ½ cup cream mixture to top of pie
- Fold over and crimp edges of pie
- Brush the edge of pie with a little milk and sprinkle with a little sugar
- Bake at 350 for 45 to 55 mins
- At 30 mins mark cover the edge of pie crust with foil strips to prevent burning